Advanced Tools for Post-Processing in Lightroom and Photoshop – Part 1

Joseph Roybal presents Advanced Tools for Post-Processing in Lightroom and Photoshop – Part 1 on Saturday, October 13, 2018, 9am-5pm at The Lone Tree Hub, 8827 Lone Tree Parkway, Lone Tree, CO.

Join professional landscape photographer Joseph Roybal for a fun and information packed post-processing workflow seminar. This full day workshop will cover:

post-processing workshop part 1

  • Working within Lightroom from import to export
  • Taking advantage of Lightroom’s new range filters that target specific tonalities within the image
  • A better understanding of the Lightroom histogram, various panels, and sharpening
  • Color space as used in the initial edit and later for print
  • Exporting and personal profiles for various applications
  • Introduction to Luminosity Masking in Photoshop using Tony Kuyper’s TK Actions

This first day will also cover the basics of luminosity masking and moving images from Lightroom into Photoshop. Utilizing Tony Kuyper’s panels you will see how he has stripped away many unnecessary tools within Photoshop (as Lightroom did a decade ago), streamlining the Photoshop workflow for photographers. All we now need to effectively and quickly perform heavy lifting within Photoshop is at our fingertips.

Advanced Tools for Post-Processing in Lightroom and Photoshop – Part 1 will prepare you for Advanced Tools for Post-Processing in Lightroom and Photoshop – Part 2, a separate full day workshop the following Saturday, in which we will further explore Tony Kuyper’s simplified tools in Photoshop including masks, grouping, making masks, frequency separation, painting with light, and other topics.

Recommended for Part 1: Laptop computer, Lightroom CC or Lightroom Classic CC, Photoshop CC, Tony Kuyper’s TKv6 Panels. Download the The TKv6 panels… Select TKActions V6 panel for Photoshop CC. Enter the code Roybal20off to receive a 20% discount.

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